
2024 Blue Gray Breweriana Show

It’s soon that time of year for this great beer crap gig.

It’s usually in February every year. This year it’s Feb 12-19th.

I’ve gone many years. It kinda like mash out, kinda. Not really.

It in a hotel by Dulles. Lots of old beer stuff to browse and buy. People come from all over the east coast. Their room is their beer memorabilia store during the day. Great conversations. It’s 10-15 bucks to attend their hospitality suite which has plenty of beer on tap.
They have a bottle share on Friday (i think).

It’s at the Hyatt (opposite the fuel tank farm).

It’s a good gig. You should get up off your asses and go.


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I am hoping to go this year.


Any idea what day you are going to go?

Everyone else,

I always have a good time walking around and looking at all the cans and stuff for sale in each room. I have bought old cans for friends and even a couple of draft faucets at a cheap price. They always have some solid beers in the hospitality suite. You will spend a ton more to go buy 2 beers anywhere else. You should go.
