Brew day - Saturday 4/23

I will be brewing 10 gallons of porter tomorrow 4/9 for my next barrel addition. I will be brewing from ~9ish until 3ish. Stop by anytime if you are out and about.


Popping this back up as I will be brewing again this Saturday 4/23 at my house. Brewing the next 5Gal batch of my BJMS. I will be brewing from ~9ish until ~5ish as it is a four hour boil and two separate mash efforts.

Thanks for the posting Web. We should all start posting our brew days. I’ll work on doing it.

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Y’all missed a good (long) brew day. 8:30am-5:30pm. 5 hour boil!

My starting gravity is 1.160!! Likely won’t hit 20%, but should comfortably get 18% :slight_smile:

Next brew day likely at Middleburg on Wednesday 5/11/2022, see related post.

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