Brewing at Old Ox - Must read

Just as a reminder to all of us club members that are interested in brewing at Old Ox for either One Off Wednesdays (OOW) or lining up for next year’s ACBW beers. Our arrangement with Old Ox to be able to brew there is as follows:

They trust us to enforce that we brew with someone that has already been “checked-out” at Old Ox. You may know how to brew, but you likely do not know the brewery rules on chemicals, electric, gas bottles, water, ingredients, … So, if you are scheduling a brew, make sure you involve one from the following list prior to any coordination:
Carl H., Eammon B., Brent J., Andy L., Webster A., and our newest brewing buddy Mark G.

Please coordinate your proposed brewing schedule with Carl H. and not directly with Old Ox. We do not want 17 different people all coordinating with Chris and Allison. This helps us keep it all square with them.

If you schedule a brew, also coordinate ahead for ingredient access (super sack requires them to fork lift) or that they will approve your receipts for reimbursement. You can again coordinate this through Carl H. Remember, they provide or reimburse for all of your needs, you should not be providing any of it out of your own pocket.

Always remember that it is a privilege to be able to brew there and as a club, we expect that you will leave the brew pad/equipment much cleaner than when you arrived :slight_smile:

I am posting this also to try to encourage our members to sign up and brew. Hopefully knowing specifically who to talk with and what we expect will enable some of you to step into a brew session. We should be doing many more One-off Wednesday offerings than we are. This is a great opportunity that Old Ox gives us, take advantage!


Are there any opportunities to be trained up on the Old Ox policies and procedures? I’d like to think those you listed would prefer us who intend to brew are up to speed. Thanks.

I was just there brewing on Saturday and “trained up” Mark. I will say that this is not a once and done. You should plan to brew several times with one of us. You will assist a few times, then you will drive once or twice before “going solo”. That said, we do NOT recommend ever going solo. It is always better to brew with a partner, for safety reasons.

Hope that helps.

because the site will not let me edit my original post… :frowning:

One additional point. One off Wednesdays and the Old Ox business are not the opportunity for us to experiment with something completely brand new and untested. At the very least, our base recipes and offerings should have been made and trialed by the club. Certainly, we can adjust recipes for size/volume, small shifts or adjuncts; but their business is not a place for us to try something that we do not know what is going to happen or whether the public will accept it. This is their business, not our playground. Be creative, but let’s make sure we have made some effort at quality control first.

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Let one of us who have use the sabco help you get the confidence to go solo.