December 2019 Club Meeting / Holiday Party!

Please RSVP - See you there!!

The banquet license has been acquired. As a side note This one is valid from 18:00 to 23:30, if we want to start early. We would need to confirm that with Chris first tho

This one includes spouses, right? My wife and I plan to be there.

You are more than welcome to bring your spouse. It is basically a standard meeting with a bunch more offerings. Many will bring food and treats to share. Main thing is consider how to get home. Most will get rides or take a car service.

I expect to drop in.

I will be there.

Please bring Homebrew as usual and only your very special commercial stuff. We will have plenty of beer, so no need for the old stuff you want to get rid of, save those for other months​:grin::grin:

Also bring some special food to share. Think of something you might do as a tradition. I will be bringing my cookies.

Also note the earlier start time of 7pm. This will help us be less frantic getting through all of it.

Look forward to seeing as many as we can get there!!

Lost and Found from Last night’s Fantastic Holiday celebration!!

One Red Igloo Lunch pail sized cooler bag. Please claim it and coordinate picking it up from me.
