December 2022 NoVa Homebrew Club Meeting 7pm!

December 2022 NoVa Homebrew Club Meeting

Monday December 19, 2022 @ 7:00pm

44652 Guilford Dr. #114, Ashburn, VA 20147


Discuss list of topics for tech talks each month.

Holiday party!!! Bring food and beer. All Homebrew welcome, Only very special rare bottles commercial!!!

Also note, the early start time of 7pm instead of 7:30pm.

I’m planning to bring a few variants of my braggot as well as variants of my pumpkin pie braggot. For commercial beer, I will bring tin cannon’s braggot (one of the few anybody makes in the DC area) along with wicked weed’s pumpkin ale.

I plan on bringing my ABC Imperial Porter and the jointly made Black Jack Mardinilla as Homebrews.

i will be bringing my personal barrel Black Tuesday and 1 or 2 other rare beers as commercial offerings.

Oh yeah, and cookies!!

Going to see if my Barleywine is too young. Some sours because.

Not sure what commercial beers yet, but definitely sharing a bottle of Heavy Things.

Packaged toe American Barley wine to bring. 10.5% and hoppy as hell so tastes sparingly and keep some water handy. Pretty good, but feeling its age.

Sour hour with brett barley wine, Brettanomyces lambicus Ale, bourbon barrel aged sour imperial porter. Bottle of these sours are all over the map, and dumping is not a problem.

Firestone Walkers’ Bruery Colab Heavy Things.

That is probably enough.

In the event you are logging beers into Untapped the morning after:

My Kid’s buy in beer to tag along, while passing the DD torch to his 17 year old brother, was Firestone Walker/Highland Park No Ends, Only Beginnings BBA Imperial Stout. You can buy this one from the brewery (i.e., not club only). The other beer was that 2010 Heavy Seas Cab Barrel aged Barley Wine, which is far better then it was new. Who knew 12 years in the cellar would change that so much.

Since he is 21.5, and that meant he was 9 when that second beer was purchased, all that really happened was a cellar raid.

Sorry I could not hang with the big dogs, but work comes early these days and I needed to present monthly financials to my client some I needed to bring at least my B game (good news, they will pay the bill).

Merry Christmas!