Invite a homebrewing prospect to the December meeting/party?

I met a guy at work who apparently brews, albeit using LME thus far.
But he’s also a beer aficionado and was excited at the prospect of joining up with a group of kindred spirits (no lame pun intended).

Anyway, anyone mind if we break this guy in at December’s meeting, IF he can even make it?

(I do wish more of us were on the website for the sake of dissemination, but regardless…)

I do not believe that anyone would have a problems with another brewer joining us at a meeting. December is always a big meeting with more than enough fun and libations to go around. We are open to all styles of brewing. I believe that you should enjoy what you do and always try to improve. I hope that he can make it to a meeting soon.


As Brent mentioned, I don’t think anyone would have an issue. It might be a bit of an intimidating first meeting to have someone go to, but hey what an experience it would be for him. Just warn him that he might want to either Uber/Lyft there and take the next day off :slight_smile:

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Thanks again for introducing me to the group, Ralph! Great time and an even better group of guys. I left at the right time as my headache was mininmal, allowing me to wrap up work for the week. Looking forward to the next meeting. Already planning my next brew so I can share and get much needed feedback. Tom