NOVA Homebrew Club Meeting 9/21 @ 7:30

Monday September 21, 2020 @7:30pm.

NoVa Homebrew Club Meeting

@ Old Ox Brewery, Ashburn, VA.

After some very rapid back and forth yesterday, we have had to alter all plans and coordinate with Old Ox brewery to shift the proposed regular club meeting to a new venue (from TCoB). Mitch was inadvertantly exposed to COVID-19 and thus we have had to change. Chris from Old Ox has graciously invited us back to his brewery.

Brewing for Quarrantine Canteen @ Old Ox. 1/month for 1 year, need ideas, need brewers.
Brewing at TCoB, lots of invite and interest in having our club provide some offerings for Travis/Mitch there as well.
Brewing rules/standards at Old Ox
Communication policies at Old Ox (Currently, all brewery communication for QC goes through Brent Jones)
Other Topics???

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Update. Mitch came back negative. !!! :birthday: :boom: