Still meeting on Monday? NO... Old Ox has been forced to cancel our meeting in their tasting room today 3/16/2020

Just wondering - given the current zombie apocalypse atmosphere - if we’re still meeting Monday.
Snarky jokes aside, I realize some folks might consider cancelling as the more prudent option…and in fact, Old Ox might prefer us to?
Just wondering ahead…

Yes. Absolutely .

Well, by golly by gosh…alrighty, then!

Per Chris, Tonights meeting is canceled at old ox:

Hello Gents -

We have started canceling all group events in our tasting room. I’m afraid tonight’s club meeting will have to be canceled as a part of this policy. Sorry for the inconvenience. Hope everyone is well. If you get together elsewhere, have a beer for me. It’s gonna get pretty rough over here. Thanks.

Question is, do we want to meet elsewhere, or just do the social distancing thing?

I dropped into check and say that I was planning on bailing on this month’s meeting. At last for a bit I am cutting back on optional interactions (pubs, restaurants, social groups, etc.).

I would recommend others relax at home and enjoy a beer or two. In a week or two the US should know if we have this under control or if we are just behind Italy.

- The Other Brent

There has been an update by Old Ox. Our meeting is cancelled with respect to meeting at Old Ox tonight 3/16/2020.