The Blue Grey show February 13-16,2020

I have mentioned this local event for a number of years. It’s across from the fuel tank farm at Dulles airport at the Hilton hotel.

It is usually two floors of the hotel. Each hotel room is a store of beer breweriana that is for sale. Cool stuff: signs, cans things old breweries used to promote their beer. And of course, there’s beer. This guys get kegs from a lot of breweries. One guy has a brewery in Connecticut (I think) and has a jockey box of his beers. There is a bottle share that usually has Bob and Ellie Tupper in attendance.

It’s just a F’N good event.
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Any interest in splitting a room?

That sounds like a plan. Do you want to take the lead or shall I?

Lemme check with the wife, not sure why they planned it on valentines weekend.